Office 365 updates sync failed with “Failed to download or process the O365 file manifest. Caught exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Failed to download file manifest for O365 from, with error 12029~~”

Office 365 updates sync failed with “Failed to download or process the O365 file manifest. Caught exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Failed to download file manifest for O365 from, with error 12029~~”

Issue: Software Update synchronization failed with the following exceptions in wsyncmgr.log.

SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 8032 (0x1f60) Failed to download file- "" from internet. Using proxyserver - 0. Error = 12029
SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 8032 (0x1f60) Failed to download or process the O365 file manifest. Caught exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Failed to download file manifest for O365 from, with error 12029 at Microsoft.SystemsManagementServer.SoftwareUpdatesManagement.WsusSyncAction.WSyncAction.DownloadAndExtractCabFile(String cabFileUrl, String fileNameInCab) 
SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 8032 (0x1f60) Failed to download or process the O365 file manifest. Caught exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Failed to download file manifest for O365 from, with error 12029
at Microsoft.SystemsManagementServer.SoftwareUpdatesManagement.WsusSyncAction.WSyncAction.DownloadAndExtractCabFile(String cabFileUrl, String fileNameInCab)~~
at Microsoft.SystemsManagementServer.SoftwareUpdatesManagement.WsusSyncAction.WSyncAction.DownloadO365FileManifest(String fileManifestCabURL, String o365FileManifestXml)
SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 8032 (0x1f60) Failed to synchronize O365 update bcaa6153-dd4b-4f69-bc39-e546554312c7 - Office 365 Client Update - Deferred Channel (1602-17) 64-bit Edition


The hierarchy’s top level WSUS server and the top level Configuration Manager site server must have access to the following URLs:


For details, refer to – Manage updates to Microsoft 365 Apps with Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager – Deploy Office | Microsoft Docs

Updates synchronization failed with – Failed to download file- “” from internet. Using proxyserver – 0. Error = 80

Updates synchronization failed with – Failed to download file- “” from internet. Using proxyserver – 0. Error = 80

In the previous post “Office 365 update failed to download with error 0x8007362e“, I described how to fix the issue by playing with the database. However, my customer asked me to fix all the remaining Office 365 updates seeing the same behaviour. I thought it would be enough to do a full synchronization. To my surprise, the synchronization failed.

wsyncmgr.log –

01-26-2021 15:09:19.835 SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 8860 (0x229c) Failed to download file- "" from internet. Using proxyserver - 0. Error = 80
01-26-2021 15:09:19.867 SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 8860 (0x229c) Failed to download or process the O365 file manifest. Caught exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Failed to download file manifest for O365 from, with error 80 at Microsoft.SystemsManagementServer.SoftwareUpdatesManagement.WsusSyncAction.WSyncAction.DownloadAndExtractCabFile(String cabFileUrl, String fileNameInCab) 01-26-2021 15:09:19.867 SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 8860 (0x229c) GetOfficeFileHash_O365Service() failed to get file hash for O365 file. Caught exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Failed to download file manifest for O365 from, with error 80
at Microsoft.SystemsManagementServer.SoftwareUpdatesManagement.WsusSyncAction.WSyncAction.DownloadAndExtractCabFile(String cabFileUrl, String fileNameInCab) at Microsoft.SystemsManagementServer.SoftwareUpdatesManagement.WsusSyncAction.WSyncAction.GetOfficeFileHash_O365Service(O365FileList o365FileList, String fileContainingHash, String updateId) 01-26-2021 15:09:19.867 SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 8860 (0x229c) ProcessOfficeFile() failed to get file properties from file manifest. Caught exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Failed to download file manifest for O365 from, with error 80
at Microsoft.SystemsManagementServer.SoftwareUpdatesManagement.WsusSyncAction.WSyncAction.DownloadAndExtractCabFile(String cabFileUrl, String fileNameInCab) at Microsoft.SystemsManagementServer.SoftwareUpdatesManagement.WsusSyncAction.WSyncAction.GetOfficeFileHash_O365Service(O365FileList o365FileList, String fileContainingHash, String updateId)
at Microsoft.SystemsManagementServer.SoftwareUpdatesManagement.WsusSyncAction.WSyncAction.ProcessOfficeFile_O365Service(O365FileList o365FileList, Int32 iFile, XmlWriter xml, String updateId)
01-26-2021 15:09:19.867 SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 8860 (0x229c) ProcessFileManifest() failed to process O365 file manifest. Caught exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Failed to download file manifest for O365 from, with error 80 at Microsoft.SystemsManagementServer.SoftwareUpdatesManagement.WsusSyncAction.WSyncAction.DownloadAndExtractCabFile(String cabFileUrl, String fileNameInCab)
at Microsoft.SystemsManagementServer.SoftwareUpdatesManagement.WsusSyncAction.WSyncAction.GetOfficeFileHash_O365Service(O365FileList o365FileList, String fileContainingHash, String updateId) at Microsoft.SystemsManagementServer.SoftwareUpdatesManagement.WsusSyncAction.WSyncAction.ProcessOfficeFile_O365Service(O365FileList o365FileList, Int32 iFile, XmlWriter xml, String updateId)
at Microsoft.SystemsManagementServer.SoftwareUpdatesManagement.WsusSyncAction.WSyncAction.ProcessFileManifest_O365Service(String sO365ServiceUrl, XmlWriter xml, String updateId)
01-26-2021 15:09:19.867 SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 8860 (0x229c) Failed to synchronize O365 update 5f3e8945-7806-4ec2-b723-ca7fd7e40edc - Microsoft 365 Apps Update - Current Channel (Preview) Version 2101 for x86 based Edition (Build 13628.20274)

Error 80 refers to file existing. I scratched my head struggling to figure out what that means. I looked into the database trying to find relevant information but in vain. Then it dawned on me that downloading had something to do with patchdownloader! Here is what I found from PatchDownloader.log –

01-26-2021 15:09:09.819 Software Updates Patch Downloader 3948 (0xf6c) Failed to create temp file with GetTempFileName() at temp location C:\Windows\TEMP\, error 80
01-26-2021 15:09:19.835 Software Updates Patch Downloader 8860 (0x229c) ERROR: DownloadContentFiles() failed with hr=0x80070050

The synchronization failed due to existing files in C:\Windows\TEMP on the software update point server. Thus the solution –

  1. Delete all the content in C:\Windows\TEMP directory from the Software Update point server
  2. Synchronize all updates:
    1. Resynchronize updates – Create an empty file named full.syn in, eg. \inboxes\ on top-level site server and wait for the synchronization to complete.
    2. Wait for its completion. To monitor the sync status: Monitoring>Overview>Software Update Point Synchronization Status

Windows Server 2016 client not installing software updates

Message ignored as component is disabled.

Some computers install software updates successfully while some don’t.

This was the issue reported by one of my clients. Initially I found they set a deadline which is a future date for the deployment. So I asked them to go with As soon as possible if they want to install updates immediately.

However, they came back telling that it does not work either. That sounds weird. I asked for the client CCM logs, where I could see that the deployment policy was well applied as indicated in PolicyAgent.log.

instance of CCM_PolicyAgent_PolicyRuleApplied
ClientID = "GUID:BA642019-A244-484B-8B9F-B71C0920C97F";
DateTime = "20201207135716.204000+000";
PolicyID = "{3749C3F1-3187-4268-9E8D-BBF73F417C22}";
PolicyNamespace = "\\.\ROOT\ccm\policy\Machine\RequestedConfig";
PolicySource = "SMS:MTR";
PolicyVersion = "1.00";
ProcessID = 7200;
RuleCondition = "";
RuleID = "{Rule_{3749C3F1-3187-4268-9E8D-BBF73F417C22}}";
ThreadID = 7488;

But when I was checking the UpdatesDeployment.log a strange message caught my eye.

12-07-2020 21:57:19.206    UpdatesDeploymentAgent    5876 (0x16f4)    Message received: '
 12-07-2020 21:57:19.206    UpdatesDeploymentAgent    5876 (0x16f4)    Message ignored as component is disabled.
 12-07-2020 22:00:00.013    UpdatesDeploymentAgent    1232 (0x4d0)    CUpdateAssignmentsManager received a SERVICEWINDOWEVENT START Event
 12-07-2020 22:00:00.018    UpdatesDeploymentAgent    1232 (0x4d0)    Suspend activity in presentation mode is selected
 12-07-2020 22:00:00.018    UpdatesDeploymentAgent    1232 (0x4d0)    At least one user has elected to suspend non-business hours activity when in presentation mode. Checking for presentation mode.
 12-07-2020 22:00:00.018    UpdatesDeploymentAgent    1232 (0x4d0)    Proceeding to non-business hours activites as presentation mode is off.
 12-07-2020 22:00:00.021    UpdatesDeploymentAgent    1232 (0x4d0)    Auto install during non-business hours is disabled or never set, selecting only scheduled updates.
 12-07-2020 22:00:00.021    UpdatesDeploymentAgent    1232 (0x4d0)    A user-defined service window(non-business hours) is available. We will attempt to install any scheduled updates.
 12-07-2020 22:00:00.021    UpdatesDeploymentAgent    1232 (0x4d0)    Attempting to install 0 updates

That led me to thinking that Software Update Agent on those clients may not be enabled as they should.

Due to the customer could not remote onto any of those clients, I asked to run remotely this command to verify the setting.

Get-WmiObject   -Namespace "ROOT\ccm\Policy\Machine\ActualConfig" -Query "SELECT * FROM CCM_SoftwareUpdatesClientConfig"

The command returned the following result (I just pasted piece of the key information. The actual result is really quite long.) –

AssignmentBatchingTimeout      : 0
BrandingSubTitle               : 
BrandingTitle                  : 
ComponentName                  : SmsSoftwareUpdate
ContentDownloadTimeout         : 864000
ContentLocationTimeout         : 604800
DayReminderInterval            : 120
DynamicUpdateOption            : 0
Enabled                        : False
EnableExpressUpdates           : False
EnableThirdPartyUpdates        : False
ExpressUpdatesPort             : 8005
ExpressVersion                 : 10.0.14393.953
GroupPolicyNotificationTimeout : 120
HourReminderInterval           : 15
MaxScanRetryCount              : 48
NEOPriorityOption              : 0
PerDPInactivityTimeout         : 0
ReminderInterval               : 1440

Enable is False.

Thus, I provided the following solution –

  1. Go to Client Settings and find the specific customized client settings for those computers in SCCM console.
  2. Set in Software Update Enable software updates on clients to Yes.

After that they told me the next day the issue was gone.

Catalog of Third-Party Softeware Updates Sync now failed

We followed the official guide to configure third-party software updates for Configuration Manager. After having added custom catalog, we tried the menu Sync now on the head ribbon. Unfortunately, it does not work.

Logs show the following exceptions:

Attempting connection to local WSUS server 2720 (0x0AA0)
System.Net.WebException: The request failed with HTTP status 403: Forbidden. at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.AdminProxy.CreateUpdateServer(Object[] args) at Microsoft.SystemsManagementServer.WSUS.WSUSServer.ConnectToWSUSServer(String ServerName, Boolean UseSSL, Int32 PortNumber) 2720 (0x0AA0)
Failures reported during periodic health check by the WSUS Server CONTOSO.COM. Will retry check in 1 minutes 2720 (0x0AA0)
Waiting for changes for 1 minutes 2720 (0x0AA0)
Timed Out… 2720 (0x0AA0)

==================== Exception Detail Start ======================= 5184 (0x1440)
Exception type: WebException 5184 (0x1440)
Exception HRESULT: -2146233079 5184 (0x1440)
Exception Message: The request failed with HTTP status 403: Forbidden. 5184 (0x1440)
Exception source Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration 5184 (0x1440)
Exception TargetSite Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.IUpdateServer CreateUpdateServer(System.Object[]) 5184 (0x1440)
Stack at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.AdminProxy.CreateUpdateServer(Object[] args)~~ at Microsoft.ConfigurationManager.ISVUpdatesSyncAgent.WSUS.UpdateServicesWrapper.Connect() 5184 (0x1440)
===================== Exception Detail End ======================== 5184 (0x1440)

Successfully connected to server:, port: 8531, useSSL: True 70592 (0x113C0)
Waiting for changes for 59 minutes 70592 (0x113C0)
Wait timed out after 59 minutes while waiting for at least one trigger event. 70592 (0x113C0)
Timed Out… 70592 (0x113C0)

In addition, SCCM SMS_WSUS_CONTROL_MANAGER kept printing repeated Error 7000 and 7003.

WSUS Control Manager failed to monitor WSUS Server “CONTOSO.COM”. Possible cause: WSUS Server version 3.0 SP2 or above is not installed or cannot be contacted. Solution: Verify that the WSUS Server version 3.0 SP2 or greater is installed. Verify that the IIS ports configured in the site are same as those configured on the WSUS IIS website.

Then we checked the health on SUP:

  1. Open CMD as admin
  2. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Update Services\Tools
  3. Run: WSUSUtil.exe checkhealth

I found Event ID 12002, 12052, 12042, 12022, 12032, 12012 in Windows Server Update Services event log-

The description for Event ID 12052 from source Windows Server Update Services cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.

If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.

The following information was included with the event:

The DSS Authentication Web Service is not working.

The only step we missed was configure wsus for ssl with wsusutil configuressel. So we tried the following steps:

  1. Open CMD as admin and navigate to C:\Program Files\Update Services\Tools
  2. Run (Case sensitive): wsusutil.exe configuressl <FQDN-OF-WSUS-SERVER>
  3. Restart WSUS Service from services and WSUS Administration from IIS Administration control

Wonderful! The issue was gone.


Office 365 Client Updates failed to synchronize

One of my customers reported that his sccm console shows only one Office 365 Client Update while there should have been five per Microsoft’s official site. The other four Office 365 Updates still refused to appear even after several successfully attempts of synchronization.

When I check the wsyncmgr.log, the following information caught my eyes:

Synchronizing update e99a4c28-2da4-47f8-9de8-94881c745a06 – Office 365 Client Update – Monthly Enterprise Channel Version 2003 for x64 based Edition (Build 12624.20588) $$<05-20-2020 08:38:21.444-480>
Failed to synchronize O365 update e99a4c28-2da4-47f8-9de8-94881c745a06 – Office 365 Client Update – Monthly Enterprise Channel Version 2003 for x64 based Edition (Build 12624.20588) $$<05-20-2020 08:45:18.053-480>
Skipped update e99a4c28-2da4-47f8-9de8-94881c745a06 – Office 365 Client Update – Monthly Enterprise Channel Version 2003 for x64 based Edition (Build 12624.20588) because it failed to sync. $$<05-20-2020 08:45:18.053-480>

What is weird is that those failed updates will not be synchronized again during the next synchronization. That is why even after several update synchronizations those failed updates are always invisible, and the wsyncmgr.log shows nothing unusual. See below.

sync: Starting SMS database synchronization 28236 (0x6E4C)
Requested categories: Product=Office 2007, Product=Office 2016, Product=Office 365 Client, Product=Office 2013, Product=Office 2010, Product=Windows 10, Product=Windows 10, version 1903 and later, Product=Windows 7, UpdateClassification=Security Updates, UpdateClassification=Update Rollups, UpdateClassification=Upgrades, UpdateClassification=Service Packs, UpdateClassification=Updates, UpdateClassification=Critical Updates 28236 (0x6E4C)
Set content version of update source {D3DE997C-5CE1-4C70-AB28-127587CFB7F8} for site NC2 to 65 37484 (0x926C)
STATMSG: ID=6702 SEV=I LEV=M SOURCE=”SMS Server” COMP=”SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER” SYS=CONESVILLE800.STARHUBSG.SH.INC SITE=NC2 PID=37224 TID=37484 GMTDATE=Thu May 21 03:14:41.967 2020 ISTR0=”” ISTR1=”” ISTR2=”” ISTR3=”” ISTR4=”” ISTR5=”” ISTR6=”” ISTR7=”” ISTR8=”” ISTR9=”” NUMATTRS=0 37484 (0x926C)

I looked into the wsus database and site database only to find that all those desired updates are present.

Later I came to know that most synchronizations perform a delta synchronization, which actually does not repair any updates from previous synchronizations. That is why several attempts of synchronization could not fix the failed updates. Only a full synchronization will potentially repair updates from previous synchronizations that have gotten damaged or deleted. For details, refer to the link at the bottom.

So I asked the customer to create an empty file named full.syn in, eg. C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\inboxes\ on the primary site where the sync is to be done. That file will trigger a full synchronization. After that all the five Office 365 Updates came listed in sccm console.


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